An invitation only event
- Date: Friday September 19th
- Venue: Terrace Cafe, NCH, Dublin
- Time: 7.45am
An invitation only event, for IFTA Members to meet with members of WIFTV Ireland (the Irish chapter of Women in Film and Television), on Friday 19th September at the Terrace Cafe, NCH, at 7.45am.
Click here to view images from the event.
The Irish Film & Television Academy will host an Industry Breakfast for Women in Film and Television Ireland, presented by WIFT Ireland Chair Rachel Lysaght on Friday September 19th at 7.45am in The Terrace Café, National Concert Hall, Dublin.
Rachel will make a short presentation to invited members and key industry representatives on the aims and objectives of Women in Film & Television Ireland , as part of the global network, WIFT International. These include promoting diverse representations of women in screen based media, supporting female professionals within the audiovisual sector, and lobbying for the provision of facts and figures, from government and other funding bodies, relating to female participation in our industry.
IFTA Industry Breakfasts are invitation-only business & networking events held quarterly in the Academy's year-long programme of events.
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