2pm Tuesday, Jan 18th
When: 2pm Tuesday, Jan 18th Where: Register Here
The Irish Film and Television Academy (IFTA) is delighted to present this special ONLINE discussion for The Bright Side with Co-Writer/Director Ruth Meehan, co-Writer Jeanie Pasley, Actors Gemma-Leah Devereux, and Siobhán Cullen
Inspired by comedian Anne Gildea’s memoir I’ve Got Cancer, What’s Your Excuse?, writer-director Ruth Meehan’s confident debut feature debut is a heart-warming and life-affirming exploration of friendship and sisterhood in the darkest times. The Bright Side follow depressed comedian, Kate (Gemma-Leah Devereux) whose misanthropic prayers are answered in the form of a cancer diagnosis. To placate her family, she grudgingly agrees to undergo chemotherapy. Armed with an impenetrable shield of cynicism and gallows humour Kate takes time to warm to the women she meets in the chemo ward; four women from all walks of Irish life, whose unsolicited friendships will ultimately restore her capacity for joy and her lust for life.
In Attendance
In Attendance: Co-Writer/Director Ruth Meehan, co-Writer Jeanie PasleyActors Gemma-Leah Devereux, and Siobhán Cullen
This will be an online Zoom Event - You will be sent the Zoom Access Link by email