special preview screening plus Q&A with director duncan jones
1 & 2 August 2009, various times
Irish Film Institute
Light House Cinema
All seating is unreserved
Contact info:
+ 353 1 6624120
With thanks to Sony Pictures
If you're looking for something interesting to do this bank holiday weekend in Dublin, IFTA has 60 tickets for three screenings and Q&As with director Duncan Jones.
If you would like to be considered for a pair of tickets, please mail IFTA BY CLICKING ON THE SCREENING TIME/VENUE you would prefer below.
The deadline is 12 noon tomorrow (Friday 31st July) for your requests, and we'll let you know by 4pm tomorrow if you've been successful.
Director Duncan Jones attends Dublin screenings of Moon
Duncan Jones, writer / director of the critically acclaimed Sony Pictures film Moon, will attend several screenings of the film in Dublin this weekend, and will conduct Q&A sessions with audiences.
Moon stars Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey, and was written and directed by Duncan Jones. Moon scooped the Michael Powell Award for Best New British Feature Film at the 2009 Edinburgh International Film Festival.
The Jury citation read: "We award Moon for its singular vision and remarkably assured direction as well as for the inspired manner in which it transcends genre. The central performance by Sam Rockwell embodies the film's emotional complexity and compelling philosophical perspective."
Moon has a 15a certificate, and a 97 minute running time.