Academy Update on Corona Virus
The HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre is monitoring the outbreak of a novel coronavirus and updating www.hpsc.ie regularly.
Most cases of coronavirus appear to be mild, with those more severely affected already suffering underlying health conditions that leave them more vulnerable to respiratory conditions.
The safety and wellbeing of the IFTA community is, and always will be, our highest priority, and we have carefully considered the official advice available to us, and our responsibility to ensure the welfare of our members, staff and visitors.
As such, the Academy is closely monitoring and adhering to all government advice on the issue regarding public gatherings, events and travel etc.
In light of Thursday’s announcement from An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, all Academy events and screenings until March 29th have been postponed, as outlined by Governement.
We will keep the community updated regularly as the situation evolves and update the status of events through our usual channels (Newsletter, social media) and our website.