1916 The Irish Rebellion, a landmark documentary series narrated by Liam Neeson, examines the Rising and the subsequent events that led to the establishment of an Irish State and the breakup of the British Empire. The documentary screened in Ireland, the UK (BBC), reaching 92% of US homes on PTV, and screened in over 50 countries so far, and on all continents.
Bás Nó Saoirse is a gripping docudrama series which tells the stories of the British and Irish rebels who were exiled to the penal colonies of Australia - the prison without walls. Episode One, Éire go Bragh, explores the fate of the Irish rebels Michael Dwyer, Philip Cunningham and others, who were exiled to the Australian colony.
In Our Lady's Children's Hospital in Crumlin life and death is a daily reality. Filmed over eight months, this four-part series observes paediatric care from the point of view of the medical practitioners as they grapple with ethical decisions, complex cases and rare conditions.
The Joy is a hard-hitting documentary series that lifts the lid on life inside Mountjoy Prison, Ireland's largest prison facility. From the governor's boardroom to the prison landings to the punishment block, The Joy offers a compelling insight into a world where drugs are the common currency and violence is fact of life, but where hope sometimes finds a foothold.